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虎哩吃飽🐯_ _ _ 珍珠蝦肉丸 (Sticky Rice Shrimp Meat Ball / Pear Ball)


“A recipe has no soul. You as the cook must bring soul to the recipe.”
– Thomas Keller


先來科普一下珍珠丸子出生地在哪? 🥸


說實話,在還沒結婚之前其實沒有想過有朝一日會與炤台打交道。別說過年過節,就以前一般過日子,我只負責切水果和洗鍋碗瓢盆,這有何難!只要時間一道,就會聽到媽媽的呼喊:“來吃飯嘍!趕快來喔!不然菜涼了就不好吃了!”記得媽媽這邊的兄弟姐妹都是廚房主廚,對美食頗有研究,而我就只愛當小吃家😋。後來,來到美國讀書,都外食為主,哪怕後來住在租的公寓裡,有鍋有盆,我只拿來煮泡麵,煮簡易火鍋🍲 誰還會知道,異地結婚,離鄉背井後,掌廚的人竟是我🤭

好笑的事就連我剛結婚沒多久,每次打電話給我的家人,我爸媽和我弟最擔心的竟然是我們的三餐,深怕又是以外食為主🤪 “喂~~我真的有這麼糟糕嗎?”但好像也是這樣。

好啦,切入正題,想聽我學廚藝的留個言,我在完整寫一篇,給你們噽ㄆ一ˇ 香ㄆㄤ (台語)一下(聞香的意思)。😜

珍珠蝦肉丸的原料與配比 (先說是以我們家爸爸,兩寶的口感做過調整)🥄

* 在備材料,調料之前,記得先將 糯米泡水(至少2個小時以上)

  • 我是用冷開水

  • 長或圓的糯米都可以喔,這次我用的是圓的

  • 糯米洗乾淨後,可以加一些小黃米,一起泡


糯米 1/2 碗 & 小黃米 3大匙

枸杞 16 粒 (快好之前,枸杞泡熱水5分鐘,泡開,備用


豬絞肉 Ground Pork 0.5磅

蝦仁 Peeled Shrimp 6 盎司 (新鮮蝦剁成泥狀)

乾香菇/冬菇 Dried Mushroom 3朵 (切小小的,比較好絞拌)

蛋 Egg 1/8 顆 (可以➕ 整顆蛋;我們家妹妹對蛋白過敏,所以只用一點點,這是調稠度的)

蔥 2 根 (切蔥花的樣子;留一半後面裝飾用)

姜 半根 (切丁)

蒜 2 顆 (切丁)

調料 🧂:

米酒 1/2 大匙

醬油 1 大匙

麻油 1/4 茶匙

鹽 1/4 茶匙

糖 1/4茶匙

白胡椒 1/2 茶匙


(偷偷跟你說,我有點懶,所以有"偷吃步"一下,搬出了我們家的食物處理機做“攪拌磨泥”的動作😅 就稍微寬恕一下有媽媽手的我,不能一直在廚房親手剁蝦肉磨泥,太辛苦了啦

  1. 把 「A.」的食材,一一放到處理機裡面攪拌,把所有的材料都均勻的拌均勻,合為一 (如果沒有處理機處理,就盡量把所有的材料都 “磨泥切丁(小小的),放在碗盆攪拌均勻)

  2. 在把「調料」也一一的加入處理機跟著食材「A」一起拌均勻 (也可以把拌均勻的食材,冷藏30分鐘,讓食材入味,更容易定型

  3. 同時間,在蒸鍋上面墊上籠布,或蒸紙

  4. 再將內餡捏成兵乓球的大小的丸子

  5. 然後裹上糯米,再放在糯米中滾一滾,讓後放在蒸鍋布/紙上

  6. 待蒸鍋的水稍微滾一下,就可以上鍋蒸煮約20~30分鐘

  7. 快好的前2-3分鐘,掀蓋子,擺放枸杞,再蓋上蓋子蒸2~3分鐘

  8. 就能擺上盤子,撒一些蔥花做裝飾

蘸醬盤: 切薑絲,倒些烏醋


Let’s put it this way, my cooking skills only work in my kitchen. Therefore, trying a new dish is a bit of a challenge but I will take on any challenge. I have always wanted to try to make sticky rice meat balls for the longest time. These meatballs are pretty easy to whip up. But to get to the right texture, it’s better to hand-chop the ingredients instead of using a food processor.

Pear Meatball are a Chinese classic dish from Hubei region.

Below recipe is based on my family tase & allergic reason to redesign.

Before preparing all the ingredients, make sure soak the rice with cold water for at least 2 hours and pour out water.


½~1 Cup Raw Sticky Rice (Round/Long Shape work either way)

15 Dried Goji Berries (Soak Goji in the hot water for 5 mins)


½ lb. Ground Pork

6 Oz Peeled Shrimp

3 Dried Mushroom

1/8 Egg (Whole Egg will work fine; I only added a bit due to my daughter allergic to Egg White)

2 Green Onion (Save Half of Green Onion for Decoration)

½ Ginger

2 Cloves Garlics


½ TBSP Coking Wine

1 TBSP Soy Sauce

¼ TSP. Sesame Oil

¼ TSP. Salt

¼ TSP. Sugar

½ TSP. White Pepper Powder

Tips: If you have food processor, please bring it out; It will save your life 😅


1. Mix [ A] ingredients and all the sauces together well in the food processor (If you don’t have food processor, just mix all the food & sauce together in a container)

2. Optional: Then put the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes for shaping after

3. Roll the mixture into bite size meat balls with hand

4. Coat with the sticky rice evenly

5. Place the meatballs inside a steamer, after the water starts to boil, steam for about 20~30 minutes *To prevent sticking on the steamer, can put steamer liners under

6. 2-3 minutes before bringing the meatballs out, put one Goji on top of each meatball and cover for 2-3 minutes

7. After placing on the plate, top with remaining chopped green onion to serve

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